JD.com has always had a strict “zero-tolerance” policy regarding counterfeit products. Customers trust JD.com because they know the brand is a guarantee of authenticity.
All of the products available on JD.com are sourced directly from world-leading global brands and reputable merchants. The company has a strict one-strike policy: any merchant found selling counterfeits will be permanently banned from the site and harsh financial penalties will be imposed.
The company’s business model is designed to stop counterfeits, both through the direct sales model, where JD.com has total control over the supply chain, and through a marketplace model where the number of sellers is limited to help facilitate strong oversight.
The company has a sophisticated supervision system including strict criteria for merchant approval, stringent control of supply channels, random sampling inspection, independent research, strict penalties system and a guaranteed return policy.
JD.com is committed to ensuring the highest standards of product quality and consistency on its site. If you have concerns about any of the products being sold on JD.com, please contact +86-400-606-5500 or write to service@jd.com.